Please Share Hobbies that Pay

The House of Ed Tech is one of the podcasts I frequent the most.

On a recent episode Chris spoke about the five types of hobbies you should have in your life:

  1. Make money
  2. Keep you in shape
  3. Keep you creative
  4. Build your knowledge
  5. Evolve your mindset

I'm missing the make money one...I was trying to convince myself that because my actual work involves some of my hobbies I could consider that as making money, but it doesn't fit.

I'm going to work on expanding my hobbies to include some that "make money."
As  I reflect a bit more I was probably just conflicted because of the quote in my mind about don't make a hobby become your work. 

So if I can consider a side job as a hobby...that is doable (and I've done it.)

Building canoe racks/coaching chess/virus removal/

The one I miss the most....clamming....

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